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In The Waiting

“Stay where you have been planted. Change is coming. Speak life.”

These are the words of instruction and encouragement that I received from the Holy Spirit several months ago as I was praying about a certain situation that I desperately wanted to give up on. I was tired. Tired of feeling like my prayers weren’t working. Tired of the drama that comes with having to be around certain people and in certain environments. As I sought the Lord, honestly hoping that He would show me a way out, He gave me the instruction and strategy above instead.

Sis, I’m not sure if you have been seeking God for direction during this time, but I wanted to take a moment to let you know that God hears you. He knows how you are feeling and He sees the situation. While you may be uncomfortable, I want to remind you that God has everything under control.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”.

Remember, our job is to trust, and God’s job is to direct our paths.

One thing I would suggest is that while you are waiting for direction, praise and worship God in advance. This helps us to shift our focus from the problem to the solution-giver, God.

Psalm 30:5b (NKJV) says, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”.

It’s just a matter of time before God gives you the answer that you’ve been waiting for. During your time of prayer, praise and worship, you may want to ask God in advance to help you accept whatever He says. This is not easy, but we can do this with the help of the Holy Spirit. I know this from firsthand experience. Remember the instruction and encouragement that I referred to at the beginning of this blog post? While I would love to report that my attitude changed right away and that everything is now perfect, that is not true. Some days speaking life comes easily, while at other times it feels impossible. I still have not seen many changes, and some days I am tempted to throw in the towel, but the Holy Spirit always reminds me of the word that I received: “Stay where you have been planted. Change is coming. Speak life.” I am finding that the more that I focus on God, the easier this is becoming.

I want to leave you with this encouragement today:

Stand firm. Be encouraged. God has EVERYTHING under control.

God loves you and so do I. Many blessings to you and your family.

Your sister in Christ,

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